We are committed toward improving the standard of living of African population through targeted development programmes.

The Green School Project is to raise and drive actions on climate protection and forest conservations.

Initiative to promote the welfare of ACEARD Multi-Purpose Cooperative Society Limited members.

Established as a Coop initiative to expand and provide energy access to the community …

The project is developed to implement the restoration and conjunctive sustainable management of native mangrove…

A platform for awareness, interaction, and sharing of experience to mobilize actions for climate change mitigation.

Programme aims to develop scalable learning and employment pathways for disadvantaged and young women.
Climate Change
ACEARD is concern about the increasing threats and suffering of locals communities cause by climate change
Mangroves Restoration
Mangrove forests of Nigeria’s States have become highly degraded, thus, limiting the ability of the vegetation
Farmers Cares
ACEARD recognizes that agriculture and rural development can create jobs and livelihood for farmers while producing food.
Upcoming Event
The West Africa’s coastline was reputed for its rich mangroves plantation which protected the coastline aganist erosion; provided a safe haven for the breeding of fishes and fingerlings and generally served as a natural embankment against ocean surges. The greatest threat to the mangrove ecosystem is the exotic invasive Nypa palm, which displaces the mangrove stands thereby establishing itself in a mono-specific manner. The incursion of Nypa palm has taken its toll on the coastal vegetation of Nigeria especially the Niger Delta region.
We are soliciting your donation to help our works in restoring the degraded mangroves in West Africa coastline. Each donation you made, ACEARD will issue you with receipt and a certificate indicating how many mangroves your donation has helped to plant.
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