Toward enhance food sufficiency in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria, African Centre for Environment, Agriculture & Rural Development and partners, has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN) Akwa Ibom State Chapter to accelerate and enable scaling of innovative technology for sustainable food solution and regenerative agriculture in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
The project with the theme “Agribusiness Enterprise Development Initiative (ABEDI) will involve mobilizing and train youth and women with interest on agribusiness or those that require additional skills for business expansion and growth. Other objectives will include access to agricultural inputs and support to market linkages and off-takers.
The value chains of agriculture production will include; Yam, Cassava, Upland rice; Aquaculture, Oil palm; Horticulture; Livestock, Vegetables; etc. Beneficiaries will be coordinated into viable enterprise or cooperative groups.
African Centre for Environment, Agriculture and Rural Development (ACEARD) is a Pan African think-tank established to promote sustainable actions that will enhance natural resources management and environmental sustainability in Africa.
The sustainability of our work is reinforced by strengthening institutions and providing information services, including capacity building support to improve governance, regulatory compliance, environment monitoring, impact evaluation, land use planning and strengthening communities’ capacity to promote and implement climate-resilient and low-carbon development.
All Farmers Association of Nigeria (AFAN), is a legally registered apex and umbrella body for Farmers and Commodity Associations in Nigeria with chapters in all the states. A unifying force that brings Nigerian farmers together to work towards sustainable agricultural development.
ABED partners are seeking for cooperation in the implementation of the project. Interested individuals or organizations should contact us on + 234 7065731470 or email to