
ACEARD recognizes the value and strength of networking with our partners and other NGOs. We realize that mutually beneficial relationships with people who share our values, goals and objectives will enhance social and sustainable development.

Excellence and Cost Effectiveness:

We are committed to excellence and cost effectiveness in all our activities so as to reach a greater number of people with our services.

Learning and Leadership:

ACEARD is committed to being a learning organization in which all staff are continuously striving to learn to sustain and improve organizational outputs. Our leadership culture is aimed at making leaders out of our staff.

Integrity, Accountability and Transparency:

ACEARD appreciates the trust of our donors, partners and the public by striving to maintain the highest standards of accountability, integrity and transparency in the conduct of all our activities.

Teamwork and Self Esteem:

We are committed to teamwork. We will promote the self-esteem of our staff and encourage collaboration on projects and encomiums for each other for reaching our goals and targets.

Gender Equity and Justice:

To ensure the full participation of all in the development process, we support and promote gender equity and mainstream gender in all we do. Our Strategic Plan particularly seeks to empower women to maximize their potentials and gain autonomy to become agents of change.